African Scientist Journal

A Journal of the Society for Experimental Biology of Nigeria (NISEB)

Focus and Scope
The journal will publish original research papers and review articles which are of interest to scientists and the general public on the continent of Africa in particular and the rest of the world in general. It will also highlight the work of African Scientists, past and present, in various parts of the world.

African Scientist is published quarterly by Klobex Academic Publishers, Ilorin, Nigeria on behalf of Socety for Experimental Biology of Nigeria (NISEB). For libraries, University Departments, Research Institutes and other multi-reader Institutions, the subscription rate for 2016, Volume 17, is £50/$80/N11,200 including postage, packing and handling.

Peer review process
On submission, papers are assessed by the Editorial Office to ensure that they are suitable for the full peer-review process. If there are any aspects of the submission that are not complete or require clarification (for example, incomplete figures, author list not complete) then the submission will be returned to the authors at this stage for completion.

If a paper is ready for full peer review, the Editorial Office assigns the paper to an Associate Editor (on the basis of expertise). At this stage the Associate Editor can decline the paper without full peer review (this could occur if the paper is not within the scope of the journal). If the Associate Editor considers that the paper warrants full peer review, then they assign two independent reviewers (who can come from the journal’s Editorial Board, although this is not an absolute requirement).

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.